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Infrastructure as Code – IaC Security

IaC security - scanning your IaC Templates like terraform to prevent vulnerabilities from being deployed

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) Security

Shifting security left from development
to production
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IaC security - scanning your IaC Templates like terraform to prevent vulnerabilities from being deployed
The IaC module supports scans against Terraform templates (with support for Cloud Formation, ARM, Kubernetes, and other IaC Templates coming up soon) and helps detect risky and misconfigured infrastructure early in the cloud lifecycle.

“By 2023, 60% of organizations will use infrastructure automation tools as part of their DevOps toolchains, improving application deployment efficiency by 5%”

What is IaC Security ?

IAC Security helps enforce preventative controls on Cloud Infrastructure. Start checking your IAC templates for risky and common misconfigurations, thereby cutting organizational risk right at its origin. CSPM, CWPP, and other security solutions are all detective in nature, whereas IaC Security truly enables prevention by integrating with your CI/CD pipelines and reporting security and compliance posture.

C3M Cloud Control enforces the same set of policies across the infrastructure lifecycle from code to cloud and helps in staying compliant with security best practices and compliance frameworks

C3M IaC Security Capabilities

Scan infrastructure as code on the go
Enforce same policies from code to cloud
Detect security threats as infrastructure is spun up
Integrate code repositories, cloud providers, DevOps systems, and IDEs
Evaluate infrastructure configuration posture
Stay complaint with IaC Best Practices
Introduce fixes to cloud infrastructure issues
Implement guardrails to secure infrastructure development

Using the C3M IaC Security capability, shift security as left as possible and identify and fix security threats in run-time and build-time. C3M Cloud Control with its C3M IaC Security platform brings about synergy between development, operations, and security teams by preventing developer configuration errors and implementing security into the development and deployment cycle.

Integrate C3M IaC Security into the development lifecycle to stay secure and compliant from the beginning of your cloud lifecycle. C3M IaC Security can also be integrated with version control systems to continuously scan code changes for security issues and risks. Enterprises also get continuous scans on each commit, pull or merge request.


IaC Security

Some of the key findings by Unit 42 suggest that “199,000 potential vulnerabilities have been discovered in IaC templates. Also, more than 43% of cloud databases are currently unencrypted, and only 60% of cloud storage services have logging enabled which in itself is a serious concern.”